- #push [[27]] - [[loving kindness]] - [[vera]] - [[enki]] - [[ted nelson]] - #push *finally* downloaded [[computer lib]] [[dream machines]] - https://archive.org/details/ted-nelson-computer-lib-dream-machine/ - [[social coop]] - [ ] [[registrations]] - [[agora]] - [[fork]] - [[sila]] working on [[agora chapter]] - [x] address more of George's comments in particular, I have been doing so but I haven't responded many :) - [ ] add two references I found about heterarchies and social labelling as citations? - [ ] get to the end of the document comments wise - interesting about … - [ ] start reading beginning to end again? - maybe add: - [[yoga with x]] - a proposal for the fediverse - defining a standard for agreeing on [[sources of truth]] for moderation and algorithmic governance - the [[commons]] has always been there, it's the internet - [[educational agora]] - more [[ted nelson]] references and more references from the OG generally / maybe focus on transclusion? - [[paramita]] working on [[agora]] incremental improvements - [ ] next up: add /join to the navbar, restore annotations - [ ] try more autopulling wikipedia, and less autopulling the stoa? - should Wikipedia embeds just show up inside the node?