- [[8]] - [x] did [[nccr survey]], delayed almost for a year maybe - procrastination? I maybe don't care tonight, felt great to get it out of the way. my brain works this way (?) - I also started an important work document I've wanted to start for like a month - next drishti is [[17]] - write [[three maitreyas]] - [x] [[work]] :) - [x] prepare for trip tomorrow :) - [[social coop]] - [[cwg]] - [ ] see moderation thread as per [[matt noyes]] - [[twg]] - [[calendar]] https://share.mayfirst.org/remote.php/dav/calendars/flancian/social-coop_shared_by_socialcoop/ - [[kraftwerk 1]] - email by [[andreas kaufmann]] - wrote to [[amélie]] - wrote to support for the portal. - [[social coop]] - [[democratic fediverse]] - [[humanetech]] - [[social coding foundations]]