- [[hexagons are the bestagons]] - #push [[7]] - a [[short story]] - [[we'll be monks in space]] - a [[thing]]. - the [[commons]] - one of my [[drishtis]] in [[december 2023]] - [[work]] - interesting - [[hexagons are the bestagons]] - [[flancia]] - [[p10g]] - [[agora]] - [[fellowship of the link]] ~ [[cofradía del link]] - [[agora chapter]] - seven pomodoros on the seventh for Agora Chapter revisions/improvements :) - 10pm - [x] 0 wrote about [[burup]] [[maitreya]], set up workspace - [x] 1 work (did stuff that really needed to happen, felt nice) - 11pm - [x] 2 improved definitions, which is pretty important coming first in the introduction. - [x] 3 start from page 5 (this is the 'last edited point', except for the conclusion before references. - 00 - [x] 4 up to page X - [x] 5 up to page X - 01 - [x] 6 up to page X - [x] 7 up to page X - 02 - [x] 8 up to page 20 or so - ... - 03 - [x] 9 send email