- Welcome :) - This is a message in the [[Agora of Flancia]]. - The [[Agora]] is a project that tries to solve [[governance]] and [[moderation]] for the internet (for participating parties). - This Agora is a [[reference implementation]]. - Trying to do [[four pomodoros]] on the way to [[Lausanne]] tonight. - [x] [[work]] - [x] [[plan]] - [x] work - roadmap - #push [[2022-10-23]] - [ ] [[agora server]] - auto pull after 5s - #pull [[202-10-15]] - [ ] [[agora doc]] - review and act on some comments - [ ] write / do catharsis :) - [[agora bridge]] - determine and advance next action for one/more of: - add writing from the web interface / a web editor for the agora - move bots to not writing locally, calling the [[agora api]] - getting a bridge up and running for [[agor.ai]] - [[api.agor.ai]]? - [ ] write to [[marc antoine]], [[jerry michalski]], [[mathew lowry]] - [ ] agor.ai - look for how to 'integrate' git repositories into a podman image in a nice way; currently the [[dockerfile]] just does git clone and starts services, but this means code updates require destroying + recreating the container; on the other hand it keeps the agora 'reproducible' - note this is not true for bot contributions, which are currently written locally in anagora.org, but the idea is to make bot writes go through the API server. - get agor.ai into a usable state (with bot contributions; an actual mirror of anagora.org garden/stream wise, plus maybe a different/additional agora root repo with documentation focusing on how to run an [[agora network]] in its subdomains? - #push [[2022-10-22]] - [ ] meet [[sam]] about [[social.coop]] - [ ] buy feeder for [[lady burup]] - [ ] resume todo - Some [[random thoughts]] follow. What if I just did dev work on [[agor.ai]]? I just saw that I have the dev configuration running on it already; and I've been meaning to turn up the new agoras for some time now, although instead a lot of my time has gone to work, to social life, and now again to [[agora doc]]. I also have a dev thread pending for both components -- see todo list above. Combining these three threads would make it fun, I think, and inter-motivating in some sense. [[Agora doc]] must for sure be advanced too, as I have many comments to review and address, and I welcome the time [[this weekend]] will afford me to do so.