- [[yesterday]] was a [[lowlight]], but it's all relative of course. I'm still very lucky. - Planning the weekend now, feeling much better :) - #push [[weekend]] - [[agora]] - [ ] [[agora pkg chapter]] -> really needs to become readable this weekend, that's the top priority - will try [[coworking]] again, this time live :) - [[misc]] - [ ] finish planning the [[Portugal]] trip - [x] arrange for Lady Burup coverage - [[l]] will take care of this \o/ - [ ] send two work emails - [x] one - [ ] report on the collection - [[coworking]] with [[ana p]] - [[pomodoros]] - edit [[agora pkg chapter]] - [[agora bridge]] try out https://developers.google.com/docs/api/quickstart/python to import [[agora doc]] into the Agora