# 2021-11-13 - [[jazz at the pawnshop]] - [[bernardo]] and [[martin]] came over, are visiting until Wednesday. - [[james joyce]] - [[james joyce's grave]] - how could the [[agora]] contribute to other efforts? - [[push]] [[do]] - [[indieweb]] - make the [[agora]] support some of its protocols. [[neil]] recommends [[microformats]] to begin with. - also [[webmentions]] for [[comments]] and [[annotations]] - [[push]] [[do]] - [[fedwiki]] perhaps contribute to surfacing great fedwiki content elsewhere? and just *use* it ([[vera]]) - [[push]] [[do]] - fix [[firefox]] locale - test case; https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=ijqtIU2ryjw&feature=share - [[wikilinks everywhere]] -> [[patterns everywhere]] - [[ramon llull]] inspired [[leibniz]]