# Iap21 - A [[workshop]]. - [[by]] [[underlay]]. - [[go]] https://knowledgestructure.pubpub.org/iap21 - [[meta]] redirects to the above URL due to the presence of this 'go' block. - [[slides]] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EFCzr6Wrur_QgRjB6ibCuJXHauYMGl_2oLrF0nEVEyM/edit#slide=id.p - [[meta]] and both redirect to the above URL due to the presence of this 'slides' block in a note called 'iap21'. - [[agenda]] https://knowledgestructure.pubpub.org/pub/agenda-21 ## [[2021-01-25]] - [[quote]] [[exploration]]: structuring [[collective knowledge]] (developing a case study). - [[metasj]] kicks off - A follow on to an experiment that happened previously on-campus. - [[goal]] by the [[end of this week]], we should be able to describe what a satisfying collective experiment could be. Also, we'll have [[cross-pollinated]]. - [[introductions]] - [[metasj]] - [[agnes cameron]] works with [[metasj]], part of knowledge collaboration innovation data. In [[uk]]. - [[samir ghosh]] runs a [[maker space]]. Does [[vr]]. - [[sarah s]] [[neuroscience]] and [[machine learning]]. [[crowdsourcing]] to probe [[human perception]]. - [[amr kayid]] [[munich]] [[research engineer]] at [[open mind]]. [[reinforcement learning]]. - [[thomas renkert]] [[religious studies]] [[knowledge representation]]. - [[kevin]] (pending) - [[favour kelvin]] - [[recap]] of approaches to collective knowledge - [[metasj]] how much of the audience's work is about collaborative/collective effort? - [[samir ghosh]] used a mega [[google doc]] - [[metasj]] how fluid is the membership? - [[samir ghosh]] there's a core group of people, but the [[collective]] is nebulous. - [[metasj]] there's a tradeoff there. - [[metasj]] presents slides (see above). - [[knowledge futures group]] - [[pubpub]] - [[goal]] - choose a problem that is bigger than what you could solve yourself :) - we can take inspiration from [[biology]]; organisms offer lots of patterns that are useful in aggregate - [[city construction]] - [[classes of models]] - you're probably within ~10km of a weather sensor part of a global network, all maintained by [[volunteers]]. - [[alignment]] vs [[standardization]] - [[access]] vs [[catalysis]] - [[private service]] vs [[common good]] - [[ancestry.com]] vs [[iceland]] (?) - [[feedback loops]] - [[incentives]] vs [[shared vision]] - [[examples]] from [[biology]] and [[earth]] science - [[inaturalist]] (!) - [[geograph]] (!) - had to come up with a local map projection not to change base assumptions they made early on :) - [[open street map]] - [[ebird]] - [[agnes cameron]] is a fan. Comments section is great :) - [[examples]] from the group - [[flancian]] on the [[agora]] - [[thomas renkert]] in some countries, people are assembling lists of people that died due to [[coronavirus]] - [[[nytimes]] did a story on the first 10k people that died. - [[sarah s]] on [[imagenet]] - [[collective]] in more than one way: - corpus based on [[human annotation]] - also building off and on several existing efforts, like [[wordnet]] - related problem: updating datasets, contexts. - uses of [[latent space]] - [[agnes cameron]] on [[arena]] - [[push]] [[arena]] - - organized in [[channels]] - can be [[open]] and [[closed]] - [[open source]] - [[inception]] practice - plus challenge for [[wednesday]] - think about [[units of collaboration]] / [[units of work]] - who are the [[audiences]]? - other interesting references - [[protocols.io]] - [[shader toy]] - [[shader park]] - [[repl.it]] - [[cyberfeminist index]] - [[quotebacks]] - [[how to make almost anything]] - [[free universal construction kit]] - [[movebank]] - [[wikidata subsetting]] - [[corpse2corpse]] - [[place subreddit]] ## [[2021-01-27]] - [[quote]] [[inception]]: knitting the lacework - [[connecting sources]], [[queries, and outputs]] - Working with [[public knowledge graphs]], building new [[visualizations]] + [[overlays]] - [[agnes cameron]] presented an example of [[underlay, interlay, overlay]] reasoning in the field of [[food sustainability]]. - [[blake elias]] [[ai research]] [[covid response]] - is [[health]] vs [[economics]] a [[zero sum game]]? - [[analysis]]: you can optimize for two things - having the fewest covid cases - optimize for economics - it turns out that in simulation runs the two don't look that different. - A Poisson distribution: - future cases = random[(current cases) * (reproductive number) + (imported cases)] - aside: [[epidemic forecasting]] - aside: [[worry dream]] - aside: [[covid tracker]] - [[samir ghosh]] (feedback) - summary is: 'flattening' at a certain constant level (e.g. 100 cases/day) does *not* work as well as locking down hard and getting to zero (albeit temporarily) - [[agnes cameron]] [[imperial college tracker]] - [[pandemic game]] - [[samir ghosh]] on [[force directed graphs]] - https://bl.ocks.org/vasturiano/02affe306ce445e423f992faeea13521 - https://editor.p5js.org/generative-design/sketches/M_6_1_03o - http://yifanhu.net/GALLERY/GRAPHS/index.html - http://act.mit.edu/cavs/ - https://www.ideaflow.io/ - https://graphcommons.com/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNLmt7q-W2s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pdvWszMaLM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZRCc-6tRZo - https://graphcommons.com/graphs/a936d1c7-2b52-47ba-bc21-79a2631149d0/selection/47f0218d-e5b1-9ea7-f748-dfa7e7810071 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pdvWszMaLM - see [[tuesday]] agenda for more examples - [[favour kelvin]] on [[animal tracking]] - https://ebird.org/about/resources/finding-birds-with-ebird - https://www.systemanaturae.org/projects/ ## [[2021-01-29]] - [[push]] [[underlay]] - [[push]] [[interlay]] - [[push]] [[overlay]] - [[push]] [[invite]] to [[interlay]] - BigQuery - PatCit - Historians - How things work / [[xkcd]] / [[tim urban]] - [[push]] [[2021-01-30]] - [[meet]] [[metasj]] - [[fediverse]] - [[pubpub]] and [[agora]] - [[wikipedia]] - [[push]] [[flanbridge]] - Possible [[root nodes]]. - A [[root node]] in a subgraph is a good node from which with to optimally encode the surrounding space. - [[meaning of life]] - [[list of lists of articles]] - [[wikipedia articles have many rankings]]