# hypothes.is - [[go]] https://web.hypothes.is/about/ - They seem like a nice organization with worthy [[goals]]. - [[see also]] https://web.hypothes.is/team/ - [[see also]] [[hypothesis intro]] - [[wiki]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothes.is - [[open source]] [[project]] by [[Dan Whaley]]. - [[arti walker-peddakotla]] is [[chief of engineering]]. - A [[non profit]], [[501c]]. - An [[annotation]] [[platform]]. - They develop a really nice [[browser extension]] and associated tools. - I should use the extension more often :) - This extension could be seen as an [[agora client]]: [[agora hypothesis integration]]. - [[diegodlh]] has experience with it: https://diegodlh.github.io/hfeed/ - https://web.hypothes.is/for-publishers/#embedding ## Open questions - ask [[dan whaley]] - What is their longer term vision? - "We’re a on a mission to bring an open conversation over the whole web. Use Hypothesis right now to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes." - [[see also]] [[the revolution will be annotated]] - What is their method of governance? - What is their stack like? - How stable is their funding? - Why will Hypothes.is succeed where others failed? - [[see also]] [[annotation standard]] - What happened to HypothesisProject? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UComNY07yEHTJYfRGx6KRILQ - Browser support? - https://web.hypothes.is/blog/annotation-is-now-a-web-standard/#post/0 mentions browser support as a goal.