- an [[editor]] - [[concurrent]] - like [[etherpad]] for [[markdown]] - [[go]] https://hedgedoc.org - [[example]] https://demo.hedgedoc.org/p5-fOIzSS26BbR5AAN7XDw?both - a [[stoa]] - https://docs.hedgedoc.org/setup/manual-setup/ - defaults to using UUIDs as urls for docs, but `allowFreeURL` replicates [[etherpad]] behaviour (entering a non-existent doc URL creates a doc with that alias) - https://docs.hedgedoc.org/configuration/#users-and-privileges - had to `yarn add babel-runtime` separately to make an error go away while installing - now embedded as the default stoa in `anagora.org`. - [[nginx]] https://docs.hedgedoc.org/guides/reverse-proxy/#nginx