# Exgenesis - A [[person]] on [[twitter]]. - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/exgenesis - "Friendly [[shamanpunk]]". - [[pull]] [[xiq]] - Interested in [[Browser extensions]] - [[project]] [[threadhelper]] - [[thesis]] [[recommendation systems]] - [[misaligment problem]] - [[evolutionary game theory]] ## [[2020-12-19]] - [[social dilemma]] - A bit heavy handed. [[on the nose]]. - See a problem, like to think of how to solve the specific problem. - Scales up clearly to company-sized - [[cooperation]] - Different at different scales. - Other extensions in this space: [[competitors]] or [[cooperators]]? - [[memex]] - [[hypothes.is]] - See [[annotation standard]] - [[quotebacks]] - [[game theoretical]] aspect of cooperation towards a [[goal]] - Cooperators might become defectors - What about [[open source]] as a solution to this? - Would like to do it but also would like to have a sustainable business. - [[wikipedia]] style project - It didn't seem like it would work, then it did. - Social ranking, coalescing is as hard. - The most achievable thing. - Decoupling the data store from the social network. - [[holochain]] - Decouple the data from the app - Same thing for recommendation system - Q: Is [[ipfs]] an alternative? - [[underscore protocol]] - [[threadhelper]] - Bottleneck is definitely time. - [[exgenesis]] - Perhaps I know a developer that could be interesting in joining force. Working on the write/thread creation aspect. - [[typefully]]? - No, [[birdbear]]. - What's the USP for [[threadhelper]]? - Starting from a very concrete problem (Twitter), other projects have a very wide scope. - [[hypothes.is]] is a lot more focused on annotating the web. - They might be adding note surfacing though. - We (nosilverv and exgenesis) have a good instinct. - [[wikilinks everywhere]] - [[agora]] - A protocol for integrating with n backends/formats with "constant" cost. - An implementation that makes it easy for integrators to operate with data from all these sources, and to use action modules.