# Javascript 😡🤬😤😭 - node_modules - ![[Pasted image 20210909000251.png]] - Webpack - convoluted ecosystem which seems to change every three month - npm or yarn, and bad package dependencies in general - ![[Pasted image 20210909000558.png]] - # Javascript - ![[v299B9aGThOY3qd8tdZ4GqElkMrgX9tHp1Z8.gif]] - lack of a standard build system or a standard library - - # Javascript - dynamically and loosely typed, with almost no restrictions - ![[Pasted image 20210909001630.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210909001733.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210909001742.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210909001802.png]] - design flaws - [deno needs to exist](https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/05/22/deno-v1-0-0-released-to-solve-node-js-design-flaws/) - # Javascript - [typescript needs to exist](https://www.typescriptlang.org) - [[tweb.pdf|insecure nature]] - The pedantic framework wars - ![[Pasted image 20210909003148.png]] - .then.then.then.then - > [How 2 return variable from promise](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23667086/why-is-my-variable-unaltered-after-i-modify-it-inside-of-a-function-asynchron) [aaaa](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14220321/how-to-return-the-response-from-an-asynchronous-call?page=2&tab=votes#tab-top) - # Javascript - ![[Pasted image 20210908234903.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210909002454.png]] - # Javascript - ![[Pasted image 20210909002635.png]] (https://jsben.ch/vSgoN) - ![[Pasted image 20210909001938.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210909002024.png]] - https://josephg.com/blog/electron-is-flash-for-the-desktop/ - https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm - ![[Pasted image 20210909002233.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20210928211831.png]] --- > It is a deeply flawed language with strange & unpredictable behaviour. It gives a little guarantee of quality bug-free production code unless you have a comprehensive grasp on the language; it is vulnerable to abuse; has weird scoping, and its mutability can cause issues to those who lack experience with such a dynamic language (unless using `const` — ES6). - https://medium.com/swlh/typescript-rescued-the-javascript-language-bfc944c0f96b --- im not fucking sorry i needed this rant [[For Me, Not You]] worst programming lang