--- layout: post title: At VinoCamp 2008 for the day created: 1218909166 categories: - VinoCamp - vinocamp08 - wine - Twitter - scrumpy - Vancouver ---

I'm at VinoCamp for the day, a fun wine event I helped organize. This is the first one we've done, and it all sort of came together at the last minute (I think). We're drinking our first set of wines, and listening to our second presentation. There are tech folks in the audience, posting to Twitter (VinoCamp 2008 or vinocamp).

I think there's a good vibe in the room, the weather outside is beautiful, and the UBC Botanical Gardens space is beautifiul.

I'll do some more updates later, and look for pictures on Flickr to add.

Plastic tasting glasses - VinoCamp 2008

Later being the end of the next day :P I'm just in the midst of uploading my Flickr pics, which will be tagged with VinoCamp. Here are some bullet point thoughts still percolating a day and a bit later:

We'll be gathering together resources from the event (blog posts, pointers on the wiki page, etc. etc.) and putting them in the email. Or at least a link to the wiki to look for all those resources. I'm especially looking forward to feedback from the event. I definitely had fun and would want to do it again, and the tone seemed to be positive ... we'll see what the entire crew had to say.