--- title: Vancouver Local Makers Directory --- There isn't a directory of local artists and other makers in [[Vancouver]]. Ideally, this would have a number of goals: * list local makers * increase sales to those makers * connect local supply chains ## What goods are made in Vancouver? This is sort of the main question, perhaps connected to "Can I buy X in Vancouver?". ## Shopify Site, Monthly Specials An idea is to build a Shopify site that lists makers. Users can browse makers and go directly to their site. Can also subscribe to a mailing list with monthly specials. Every month, makers submit a limited availability special -- either limited in price or actual special edition. This gets sent to the mailing list with a 24 hour head start, then shared publicly. Ideally this is done in such a way that orders are fulfilled directly by makers. Get makers to just set up special on their own site? If so, wouldn't need Shopify. ### Is Shopify the right thing to make / maintain such a list? Need to research plugins for letting people update / submit their own entries.