--- date: '2020-03-18T16:43:13.914Z' title: PostHog tags: - product - opensource - heroku - analytics link: https://posthog.com/ git: https://github.com/PostHog/posthog --- Open source [[Product Analytics]] From their [Github](https://github.com/PostHog/posthog): "We are an open source alternative to [[Mixpanel]], [[Amplitude]] or [[Heap]], designed to be more developer friendly." They have a [[Deploy To Heroku]] they recommend as the easiest way to [[selfhost]]. They consider themselves [[OpenCore]]: the core product is [[MIT License]], but they have proprietary extensions and a proprietary enterprise license for a certain directory. They also maintain a [mirror of just MIT code at posthog/posthog-foss](https://github.com/posthog/posthog-foss).