--- title: Moa Party link: https://moa.party git: https://github.com/fedstoa/moa date: 2021-01-24 modified: 2021-03-14 tags: - Python - opensource - Twitter - Mastodon --- Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions. @flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at . The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked. The [moaparty.com](https://moaparty.com) website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group. The Matrix channel [#moaparty:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/!zPwMsygFdoMjtdrDfo:matrix.org?via=matrix.org) is where chat discussion is happening. Add #moaparty to your Twitter, Instagram, or Mastodon posts, or the `[[Moa Party]]` wikilink. Features * [[Git Siphon for Moa Party]] * [[Roam Siphon for Moa Party]] * [[Micropub endpoint for Moa Party]] --- Originally created by James Moore, a [[Python]] / Flask app and open source under an [[MIT License]]. As of September 2020, Instagram cross posting is disabled because of changes in the Instagram API. Likely same reason that [[OwnYourGram]] doesn't really work anymore.