--- title: IndieKit link: https://getindiekit.com/ git: https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit date: 2021-01-24 tags: - micropub - IndieWeb --- From the [Github README](https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit): > Indiekit is a small but powerful server that acts as the go-between your website and the wider independent web. > * Publish content to your website using apps like [[iAWriter]], [[Micro.blog]], Icro, Indigenous or services that support the [[Micropub]] API > * Syndicate your content to social networks like Twitter, ~~Mastodon and LinkedIn~~, and save posts to the Internet Archive > * ~~Accept likes, comments and other types of feedback on your content with Webmention~~ > * Save files to different content stores such as Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab and Gitea > * Highly configurable, with presets available for common static site generators such as Jekyll and Hugo. > * Localisable, with initial support for English, French and German. Written in [[NodeJS]] and licensed under an [[MIT License]], authored by @paulrobertlloyd. Set up for [[Deploy to Heroku]].