--- date: '2020-03-05T15:56:54.031Z' title: Fraidycat tags: opensource --- Follow people on any platform, from [[RSS]] feeds to [[Twitter]] to YouTube to [[TiddlyWiki]]. Rather than individual items, focused on recently active people. website: https://fraidyc.at/ twitter: [@fffraidycat](https://twitter.com/fffraidycat) Desktop app (without online sync) or [[Browser Extension]] for Firefox or Chrome. > There is no news feed. Rather than showing you a massive inbox of new posts to sort through, you see a list of recently active individuals. No one can noisily take over this page, since every follow has a summary that takes up a mere two lines. > > You can certainly expand this 'line' to see a list of recent titles (or excerpts) from the individual - or click the name of the follow to read the individual on their network. ## Follow Support > Feeds (RSS, Atom or JSON Feed). This is how Fraidycat reads blogs, Tumblr, Medium, Mastodon, micro.blog, Wikipedia, Kickstarter or Stack Overflow. If only every network used RSS! > >Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud. These sites don't support RSS, so Fraidycat does its best to pick things out of their web pages. > > Pinboard, YouTube and Reddit. These sites do offer RSS, but it's not advertised very well. So Fraidycat figures out where to find the RSS feeds for you. > > Twitch. Fraidycat now also shows when a follow is live. > > TiddlyWiki. Fraidycat reads the whole wiki and treats it like a giant RSS feed. Be aware that giant wikis may load down Fraidycat.