--- title: Cap Table Learning Session categories: - Presentation - Full Stack tags: - startup - captable - funding --- This was a small group session for founders and potential founders to understand cap tables, outside investment, and funding. I have since given very similar material to many other groups. ## January 2015 I first gave this presentation while I was at [[Full Stack]] in January 2015. On [Speakerdeck](https://speakerdeck.com/bmann/cap-table-learning-session): ## July 2020 Run through [[Venture Scouts]] and [posted to events there](https://venturescouts.ca/t/cap-table-term-sheets-learning-session/59). Includes a whole back section of founder questions that we walked through: On [Notist](https://noti.st/bmann/FUZxwJ/cap-table-term-sheets-learning-session):

View Cap Table & Term Sheets Learning Session on Notist.

On YouTube: