--- title: "Yes Code" link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/code-great-heres-why-we-need-yes-anil-dash/ published: 2020-05-01 category: - Article tags: - "no code" - Glitch - "yes code" --- [[Anil Dash]] May 2020, ['No Code'​ is great. But here's why we need *Yes* Code.](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/code-great-heres-why-we-need-yes-anil-dash/) Anil goes into the rising trend of "No Code" tools, and goes a step further, saying that we should be focusing on "Yes Code". Anil Dash is the CEO of [[Glitch]], which is embracing this "Yes Code" concept. > **Yes Code**  is based on three key ideas: > >1. There are millions of important apps, websites, and projects that can't be made by an off-the-shelf template >2. Being able to code is a superpower, and we should enable more people to tap into that ability, by lowering the barriers >3. The biggest barriers to coding are technical complexity around processes like collaboration and deployment, and social obstacles like gatekeeping and exclusion — so that's what we've got to fix > Today's internet isn't fully serving the needs of a lot of people around the world. There may be great tools for sharing a photo or sending a message, but most of the sites and apps we use every day are made by a small number of companies with goals or incentives that might not match our own. We're feeling the negative effects of that reality every day. > > Ask yourself: When’s the last time you used an app, or visited a website, that was made by an actual individual  *person* ?