--- title: Anagora link: https://anagora.org/ git: https://gitlab.com/fedstoa/agora-server date: 2020-11-24 modified: 2021-02-09 --- An [[Agora]] implementation by @Flancian. The concept is to have nodes / notes where people maintain their own digital notes garden like I do here, but then pull them in and link them through their public git repos. Aka a "distributed knowledge graph". The [[Agora Plan]][^agoraplan] page has more details. It is written in [[Python]] / Flask and is open source under the [[Apache2 License]]. [^agoraplan]: Not sure what the syntax should be here. I want to link to the "global" [Agora plan](https://anagora.org/node/agora-plan) page. --- This site is [[Connecting to the Agora]] as of January 24th, 2021 --- ## Features and Documentation is my profile page. If you start browsing there, all the links default to my notes only. lists the actions you can use. describes how to use the agora as a search engine. ## Conventions Notes on suggested conventions ### Accepting the Contract Link to the contract with a date indicating you accepted it. ## Feature Requests Ideas about the agora social system as a whole, but for now mostly technical features of the Agora server software and the main [[Anagora]] instance. Join us on the [[FedStoa]] [[GitLab]] to add your own ideas * Ideas on `agora.yml` format, mainly [[Jekyll]] inspired * If no local node found for [[wikilinks]], then auto-link to global node?