--- date: 2021-02-13 2021-02-10T00:37:56.900-08:00 --- Unfortunately, I have to tag this with [[February 10th, 2021]], since it just rolled past midnight, but "today" is mainly [[February 9th, 2021]] when I talk about it in this post! > Learned a very relatable term today: “報復性熬夜” (revenge bedtime procrastination), a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours. > > Daphne K. Lee @daphnekylee Not quite the case for me...but also some truth there. Last night (morning?) was the final piece of the [[Mac Mini]]: [memory install](https://blog.bmannconsulting.com/2021/02/09/i-bought-this.html). The whole office here is a mess of boxes and pulled out mess, as I now have to sort through various electronics and recycle them, and so on. I also got two final deliveries that I had been waiting on for now. I decided to buy a [[reMarkable]] tablet. My paper notebooks ran out, and I really should have at least one device for quiet reading and note taking that isn't a click away from Twitter. There is some retail therapy there, too. The other delivery was [[Ubiquiti]] networking gear for my parents' new [[Foxglove Terrace]] house. I've now got Ubiquiti here at home, at the [[Fission HQ]], and will install it at my parents. Other notable events, I was part of a live show put on by [[Startup Vancouver]]. Here's the video from Facebook. I start at around the 17 minute mark, talking about [[Fission]], what we're building, but a lot of focus on vision. I'll look to get the source video and cut down a clip to just my segment. I was down on [[Clubhouse]] at the beginning of the video show, but I ended up joining today. I'm thinking of [[BBB]] as a pretty good open source equivalent, and am supposed to be helping [[Social.Coop]] document it. I joined Clubhouse because I started getting multiple people in the last day or two inviting me to it -- or asking me if I should be invited or what I thought about it. For the record, @allbombs was the first person to invite me several months back when it was still super exclusive :) I also have Soapbox on my phone that I haven't used yet. How many social audio apps can I have before I use the first one??? Had a nice Twitter thread with @tombielecki, where he found my [announce tweet for the Digital Garden version of this site](https://twitter.com/bmann/status/1303810663307972609?s=20), when I first put it on Fission. Wow, Sept 9th 2020 is already 6 months ago! > Just saw this. Your site is so fast! > There's a Digital Garden telegram group sharing examples etc they might want to take a look at @FissionCodes? @Mappletons @houshuang > > Tom Bielecki The site was a bit slow because I am using [[Cloudflare IPFS Gateway]] plus Fission hosting, which occasionally has some caching issues. Cryptic notes for today: Claire screenshot, Courtney yay, Lance boo.