--- date: 2020-12-29T13:29:56.900-08:00 --- So Christmas is traditionally "tinkering with my blog" time. I've got things running OK on [[Micro.blog]] for https://blog.bmannconsulting.com. The embed on the home page here works fine. I'm doing updating of notes here only when I've got free time on a weekend or an evening at a full computer desktop. It takes 2.5 minutes to generate the site, which really sucks. The other deficiency is that I can't really provide a feed of updated notes. I could go and add dates to all the notes and then have a modified date as well, but really that doesn't make a lot of sense. And this Journal is looking an awful lot like a blog, which I decided I didn't want a feed for, because it really is just me writing for myself. I'm still on again / off again with [[Roam Research]]. I use it for my private notes and simple TODOs and it's been fine. Anyway, this is all working for now, and I've been enjoying actually blogging, with things like [Bandcamp Fridays](https://blog.bmannconsulting.com/categories/music). via [@agentofuser](https://frictionless.fission.app/Neuron.html), [[Neuron]] is a [[Haskell]] based [[Zettelkasten]] / [[Second Brain]] implementation.