--- date: 2020-12-06 --- OK, so I am continuing working on this from [yesterday]({% link _logs/2020-12-05-journal.md %})journal.md I thought I'd actually install [[Hugo]] and get it working locally before I attempt to upload it into [[Micro.blog]]. `brew install hugo` and you're done, which is great. Looking at `hugo --help` showed me that Hugo has a [[Jekyll]] import function. Since I had those social posts that I eventually want to get into Mb, this ended up perfect. I ran `hugo import jekyl PATH-TO-JEKYLL .` to transform those posts into Hugo compatible files. I [forked the marfa theme](https://github.com/bmann/theme-marfa) and put it into the Hugo folder. Error about a missing `custom_footer.html` file. Pretty sure this is part of the default Mb themes, so I just created an empty one in partials, and the site built and served locally! **Very** fast compared to my Jekyll experience: 568 ms for 569 pages and 220 static files! [[Micro.blog]] has a [help page about custom themes](https://help.micro.blog/2019/about-themes/). Looks like the Blank theme needs to get merged in for files like `custom_footer.html` to exist. Looks like custom footer was the only one missing. I'll keep track of edits to it on the [[Marfa Theme]] notes page. Looking at Mb plugins. Found [[BigfootJS]] again via the [Mb plugin for Bigfoot](https://github.com/jsonbecker/plugin-bigfoot). Probably better for me to use on this site rather than the super custom margin / side notes. Enabled the [OpenGraph plugin](https://github.com/thatguygriff/plugin-open-graph) so I get social previews. Added a Blog category to the navigation, for all the actual blog posts with titles, rather than just short social ones.