--- title: Oct 8, 2020 date: 2020-10-08 category: Journal --- So I confirmed this morning that my [[Rad Runner]] bike wheel tubes are sold out even on the Rad website. I guess this weekend I need to get a patch kit and learn how to fix it myself. --- Set up my [[Social Co-op]] [[Mastodon]] account last night. You can find me at [@bmann@social.coop](https://social.coop/@bmann). And yeah, I didn't manage to get `boris` as a username! I'll write a full blog post about this. --- New to me: `/nick` lets you change your nickname on a [[Discord]] server. They also recently enabled ["community" servers](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047132851-Enabling-Your-Community-Server). Basically, Discord is used for sort of personal chat home bases, but also increasingly for community. They've enabled specific features for these open communities, especially if you have a lot of members. We don't have enough members at [[Fission]] for all of the features, but it was great to be able to have a welcome screen for new users that join, suggesting them to certain channels. --- Got an intro to someone who read my [[Taking equity in startups as a consulting firm]] post and wanted to see if my thinking had evolved from then. This fits into the [[Startup Studio]] model that I've thought a lot about. It just so happens that @allbombs shared a [video](https://gan.wistia.com/medias/xx2qkm24cp) from the [[Global Accelerator Network]] about [[Enhance Ventures]] https://www.enhance.online/. Plus this article which contains a good framework for looking at Startup Studios and how they are financed: [[Sidecar funds, corporate vehicles, club deals - how do startup studios get financed?]] --- Via @bobsummerwill, [[Bruce Perens]] [Post Open Source License Early Draft](https://perens.com/2020/10/06/post-open-source-license-early-draft/). There's a video, which is "What Comes After Open Source" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTsc1m78BUk. I need to watch this and take some notes.