--- title: Sept 30th, 2020 date: 2020-09-30 --- Reading [[Zeynep Tufekci]]'s article in [[The Atlantic]] [This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic - It's not R](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/09/k-overlooked-variable-driving-pandemic/616548/). --- Finally actually _read_ some of the [[Foam]] stuff, which I did have installed in my VSCode. The [[Markdown Notes]] extension I've now configured to properly create new notes, which is great. Ironically, the way the actual Foam extension generates [Link References](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/link-reference-definitions) at the bottom of each file, doesn't work for me at all. [[Simply Jekyll]] takes care of that, because I can just use a wiki link and it takes care of looking up the file and matching it. Of course, the concern I have with SJ is that it has some unique syntax which is very much tied up into the theme, thus making it not portable. I guess that means that technically the Foam link definitions *would* make a lot of it portable, using just plain markdown links. --- Aside from notes here, I'm on a roll with my private notes in [[Roam Research]]. That really just mean getting things done, as I fill out a [[Worklog]] to stay on track. I installed Roam as a [[PWA]] yesterday, when I noticed that option was available. Being able to alt-tab to it rather than just being lost in a sea of Chrome tabs definitely is a good thing. --- [[Garden and the Gazebo]] is definitely going to need to get rewritten, and I'm probably feeling more comfortable with making this site a public git repo. Or at least, extracting the way I have things configured theme-wise and sharing that. --- I wanted local links to stand out, so I added CSS styles `.tooltip a::before` and after to show the links in square brackets.[[I originally included the full CSS as a code snippet, but the way linkifying works with SJ it turns them into links! 😜::rsn]] Maybe the [[Colophon]] here can just be generated with backlinks now. --- Continued massaging of content from OG blog and imported Medium posts that made it into Micro.blog, that make more sense here. The [[Blog Colophon]] is here now. Swapped out [Archive]({% link archive.html %}) for a new [Blog]({% link blog.html %}) listing. Needs more work to actually highlight latest blog posts. And I guess I should write long form personal posts at some point! --- Upgraded to [[Micro.blog]] Premium. The new Bookmarking feature is a pretty good non-silo "read it later" feature, plus it will have reblogging built in. It's convenient to have my articles to read next to my blog-small-snippets, so looking forward to testing this. Here's [[Manton Reece]] doing a screencast of how it works.

I’m trying to mostly stop using YouTube until November, so I’ve created a new Vimeo account to host videos about Micro.blog. Here’s a 3-minute screencast tour of the Micro.blog 2.0 bookmarks and highlighting interface, launching next week.

--- > twitter is garbage follow me on neocities https://neocities.org/site/substack > [[@substack::https://twitter.com/substack/status/1311534209027076096?s=20]] I reset my [[Neocities]] account, that I had never really done anything with. Turns out, you can [enable IPFS archiving](https://neocities.org/distributed-web), and they [blogged about it in 2015](https://blog.neocities.org/blog/2015/09/08/its-time-for-the-distributed-web.html). ![]({% link assets/2020/09/neocities-ipfs.jpg %})