--- date: 2021-03-14T14:25:24.757-08:00 --- I'm exploring [[SSG]]s again, and trying out [[GitLab Pages]] for the first time. Now that I'm helping to run [[Moa Party]], I'm going to make a static site for it, for status updates and documentation and so on. [[Hugo]] I've used a bit, because [[Micro.blog]] uses it, so to make a custom theme, I installed it locally for testing. [[Zola]] is a [[Rust]]-based SSG. I haven't really had any personal experience with Rust, but I'm very interested in it, especially because Rust is very commonly used to compile to [[WebAssembly]]. There is a page [documenting Zola with GitLab pages](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/deployment/gitlab-pages/). The mention of git submodules is not comforting.[^gitsub] [^gitsub]: Everyone, including myself, thinks that git submodules is a good idea, until actually working with them in practice for any period of time. --- OK, Zola experiment over. I used the [Juice theme](https://juice.huhu.io) and got Zola running and it is nice and fast. But -- I want to maintain this as a docs site using [[wikilinks]], likely also being compatible with [[Obsidian]] as an editor. I know [[Jekyll]] best so I'll just use that. --- Started created a blank Jekyll site, and briefly wanted to make a "status" type like my journal logs here, but really just can keep it simple for now. Saving my fragments of setup for this here in case I want to come back to it. ```yaml - scope: path: "_status/*" type: status values: layout: status collections: status: output: true permalink: /status/:year/:month/:day/ ``` --- Well, that ended up being an epic build out of a full [[Jekyll]] site. I went back and used the [[Digital Garden Jekyll Template]]. It is a lot slimmer than the [[Simply Jekyll]] theme I use here, which has me itching to tinker some more. I'm pretty happy with how the site turned out: