--- type: tool tags: pkdb hypothesis dev --- # Hypothes.is - extend client: - [ ] read from multiple API-sources - [ ] read tags from API (not just from cache) - [ ] integrate with [[web-clipper]] - [ ] integrate with [foam's wikilinks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h2kSuh7TntPj_XZ7BnLPDwtwshq7skzF3BIYwLgVquA/edit) - retrofit discussion threads to follow [[kialo]] - clone and adapt API-server to support plugins for fetching personal notes for some url from: - `twitter` - `slack` - `discord` - `reddit` - `gmail`: fetch also tags - `keep` - ... - [page flags]() for: - github issues (authored & commented) - chrome & firefox plugins (to know you have installed them) - AND/OR use [[promnesia]] browser extension (requires a lot of python configuration) - see also: [[Agora Bridge]] - see also [`HPI` library](https://github.com/karlicoss/HPI) [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [kialo]: kialo.md "Kialo" [promnesia]: promnesia.md "Promensia & HPI" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"