--- type: tool tags: hass home my_IT --- # Home Assistant ## Done - [x] remote access - [x] FIX android access from within my WiFi! - [x] proxy with apache (although not SSL for local connections :-) - [x] Aqara-cube miss-registered: events missing!? NO - [x] Bluetooth tracker - [x] radio-stations in chromecasts: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/lovelace-chromecast-radio-jukebox/83867 ## TODO - [ ] Install Supervised - [ ] MQTT AddOn - [ ] cron-job for letsencrypt: added but UNTESTED - [ ] splitBrain DNS (AdGuard) to have a single hass-URL in browsers - [x] established WebPush html5 notifications - [x] test they run (mobile: ok, kudos: ??) - [x] Zigbee Gateway - [x] movement & window sensors - [x] presence: - [x] nmap: DONE, but may DRAIN BATTERIES! - [x] bt - [ ] integrate [my router]()https://github.com/ericpignet/home-assistant-tplink_router (needs development) - [x] integrate Tonia - [x] account, 2FA - [x] hass-app - [ ] fix missed updates - [x] ONVIF camera, - [x] PTZ: https://github.com/Gowresh7/V380_Python eventually fixed when upgraded to hass-2021.6.4 (or was never broken!) and addeduPTZ card from WebRTC: https://pythonrepo.com/repo/AlexxIT-WebRTC-python-video - [ ] Sound Tx/Rx - [ ] block chinese servers - [x] install floor map HACS component - [ ] produce map with sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree - [ ] link css with entities - [x] hass-integrate UPS: simply with apcusp "manual" integration - [-] replace `acpcupsd` with `nut` server: NO, hass-integration works - [-] develop own `acpcupsd` integration (based on https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/apcupsd/) - [x] fixed mismatched entities: maxlinev--->HITRANS, minlinev-->LOTRANS, outputv, LASTXFER, NUMXFERS, BATTV - [ ] DEV: new UPS device, to attach all its entities - [ ] integrate Syncthing: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/how-to-integrate-your-s-and-even-make-it-talk/209116 - Automation rules: - [x] battery-low sensors (from blueprints) - [ ] Alarm!! - [x] zone enter/leave do not trigger with groups- groups miss GPS - [ ] cube light & radio integrations - [ ] motion-light override - [ ] DEV: keybase integration