📕 subnode [[@ryan/20201219144544 revolution_is_unlikely_to_happen_where_the_majority_of_people_are_comfortable]]
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garden/ryan/20201219144544-revolution_is_unlikely_to_happen_where_the_majority_of_people_are_comfortable.org by @ryan
tags :: revolutionlikelihood of revolutionFrench Revolution1917 October Revolutioncapitalism
Historically, revolution only occurs when things are most desperate. A revolution is necessarily an overthrowing of an existing order, and most people are not motivated to overthrow the existing order if the existing order is working for them. When considering nearly every revolution since and including the French, the thing that spurs on such revolution is mass emiseration. In the days leading up to the October Revolution, terrorism was commonplace in Russia, and Russian society was completely broken.
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