# trying out org-timeblock ## Issues Not necessarily with org-timeblock itself - might just be my setup. - requires SVG support - termux emacs doesn't seem to have svg support compiled in - org-timeblock gives message `image-type: Invalid image type 'svg'` - maybe I could try Emacs Android build specifically for this? - I think it's for actual display in Emacs, not just for export. So a hard dependency. - `(image-type-available-p 'svg)` returns nil, so it's not present. - doesn't seem to work at all in `emacs -nw` - fails because `face-font` doesn't return as expected in no window mode - doesn't seem to play nicely with evil mode - I disabled it temporarliy in the buffer by toggling `evil-local-mode`, and the bindings work again. - So could turn it off with a hook e.g. https://github.com/ichernyshovvv/org-timeblock/pull/51/files - But would be nice if it worked. When it's off, shortcuts like `SPC SPC` don't work, which is a pain. - someone here has a useful config: https://github.com/ichernyshovvv/org-timeblock/issues/21 - Must be some way to have an evil transient mode like e.g. magit does. - various warnings at installation - changing the timerange of a task doesn't seem to work ## Thoughts Looks very nice, but some showstoppers for me. Might try calfw-blocks instead - is that text only?