# 2021-04-25 - [[push]] [[do]] - [x] transfer 500 to brazil - [x] donate 4k to argentina - [x] donate 6k to global causes - [x] install [[nostromo]] - [x] set up ssh keys - [x] set up vnc - [x] add [[reading alexander]] repository to agora - [x] add moa garden repository to agora - [ ] start working on [[agora ctzn]] - [ ] run ctzn test on anagora.org ([[patera]]) - [ ] [[agora]] -> [[ctzn]] bridge - [ ] [[ctzn]] -> [[agora]] bridge - [[agora bridge]] - as per the above - [ ] consider moving [[moa]] worker setup to [[agora bridge]] architecture? - add [[stoa]] support for git after talking to [[lorand]] (see below) - [ ] monitoring - [ ] [[sentry]] for anagora.org - [ ] email alerts on failed probing -- [[munin]]? - [ ] play with [[promnesia]] - [[manifestos]] - [[tagline]] - [[node js]] - [[alvin zollinger]] - [[the king in yellow]] - [[push]] [[do]] - write [[git stoa]], with [[lorand]] if he wants - [[agora trees]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1386309580901191683